2022 Graduation Project Presentations Honorable Mention

Truth Covered by Falsity - People's Perception of Misinformation: An Investigation on Students in Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU) 余致賢 

With the development in technology, Internet plays a significant role for information sharing, as it allows people to share personal experience, viewpoints, and any ongoing events around the world without the limitation of time and space. However, the abuse of

information has also been amplified and aroused experts’ attention. Many overseas and domestic scholars have done studies investigating people’s behavior and perceptions toward misinformation, but few of these focus on university students. This study investigated the spread, motivations, and preventions of misinformation sharing of students in Fu Jen Catholic University. Accordingly, an online questionnaire was designed and distributed on Dcard. The research expects to provide the current situation regarding university students’ behavior and perceptions about misinformation and the solutions to cease misinformation sharing.