2022 創意旅遊競賽 第三名

藝起出逃 鄧亞娟  劉欣純  高子涵  詹雅嵐  施暄柔 

The Name of the Trip
藝: It means art. It can be explained as the tea art that is included in the one-day trip. Besides, the tourists will experience art in various forms including landscape and culture. 
藝起: it means “together” in Mandarin. Tourists can have fun with their friends who come together. Furthermore, togetherness with the rich culture and content in this packaged trip enables tourists to go home with precious memories and some handmade souvenirs “altogether”.
出桃: It has three layers of meanings. First, to “escape” from the hustle and bustle of city lives. Second, to go to Taoyuan, the one and only peach-blossom eden. Last, in Taiwanese, it means to have fun. We hope the tourist can have fun enjoying the fascinating and charming culture of Taoyuan, Kengzi.