2022 創意旅遊競賽 佳作

愛溪遊 邱千玳  吳以祺  鄭博謙  廖子萱  竹井詩菜 

Title of the trip and theme
A. Title: I XI YOU 愛溪遊

Lying in Fuxing Township in Taoyung, Daxi is famous for its
traditional street view and the developed soy products industry. In order to
advocate the beauty of Daxi to people from different countries, this trip aims
at helping tourists explore the culture, history, and nature of Daxi. We will
introduce the spots mainly in English and explain the history to the tourists
during the tour.
The word “Xi” in the title refers to the place, Da “Xi,” and it has a
similar pronunciation to “see.” To introduce Daxi and to see its beauty in our
tour are the ideas that we want to convey. As a result, the title “I XI YOU”
means to see the history, culture, and nature in Daxi together with you and me.