This documentary film, “Echoes of a Legacy: The Enduring Gift - A Tribute to 60 Years of FJU English Department,” aims to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the English Department at Fu Jen Catholic University. Through the medium of a documentary, we intend to showcase the reciprocal relationship between the English Department and its alumni. Three outstanding alumni, 吳景明, 王孟超, and 陳詠芯, will be interviewed, sharing their reflections and gratitude towards the English Department as a special gift to their alma mater.
Through this documentary, we aim to present the special bond between the English Department and its alumni, and commemorate the commitment and contributions of the FJU English Department to its students over the past 60 years. It is also an opportunity to extend birthday wishes to the FJU English Department and convey the alumni’s expectations and blessings for the future generations of students.